Time for a full public inquiry into ethnic minority deaths

Time for a full public inquiry into ethnic minority deaths

More than 70 public figures are calling for a full independent public inquiry into deaths from Covid-19 among people from ethnic minority backgrounds.

Black people account for 13% of the city’s population but 16% of deaths which according to Dr Shikta Das said there is a high rate of ethnic minority people among front line workers, who were exposed to greater risk. “Twenty per cent of all NHS workforce are from an ethnic minority background. The figure for doctors is 44%.

A spokeswoman for Public Health England said there was “evidence to suggest” coronavirus was having a disproportionate impact on ethnic minority groups.

“In this situation the BAME group is a doctor, a nurse, a technician, bus drivers, shelf stackers, care workers – all these groups of people are getting more exposed to Covid directly.

London has seen nearly 5,000 deaths linked to the virus and with the virus killing proportionally higher percentage of ethnic minority key workers, it is time for the government to show they care equally for all members of our society regardless of their colour, faith, language or ethnic background and must ensure that we are all equal and deserve better treatment and acknowledgment.

Ethnic Corona Deaths UK

Ethnic Corona Deaths UK

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