Black British women spend 6 times more on their hair

Black British women spend 6 times more on their hair

Almost all ethnic groups in the UK spend a greater proportion of their money on clothing and footwear

than whites. Any follower of women’s glossies will remember how Italian Vogue’s black edition caused

such a sell-out that forced Conde Naste to reprint 40,000 more copies to fulfill demand.

When Visiting the Afro Hair & Beauty show 2013 I saw thousands of Black women flock over 2 days to see

and buy the latest Black hair and beauty products on display at the show.

Black British women spend on average 6 times more on their hair and beauty than their white counterparts

which points to an incredible profit potential.

How could the hair & beauty industry which is struggling for market share in a very hard economic trading conditions not focus

on such a marketing opportunity.


Saad Saraf


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